Riot 1.4 - How to Lead Through Change: Dr Linda Matula, Change Management and Leadership Expert

Instincts alone are no longer enough to lead. Our modern era requires modern leaders.

We live in the VUCA era, where leaders must contend with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Knowing how to contend with these forces is what will separate leaders from losers.

As a master practitioner of leadership and organisational change, Dr Linda Matula has coached leaders of Europe's biggest organisations to lead their teams in the VUCA. In this episode, she shares her knowledge as it relates to social movements.

This is mandatory listening for anyone leading a movement.

Talking Points include:

- Understanding the VUCA forces

- How leadership has changed

- What makes great teams tick

- Key characteristics of modern leaders

- A simple formula for leading through VUCA

- Questions every leader should ask themselves daily

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Richard Brophy